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Google Keyword Tool

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The Google Keyword Tool, is one of the best ways online to see which Keywords are hot, and what will make you money. In the past, many people have tried to sell me Keyword Tool's, but to be honest, i have never found anything as good as Google Keyword Tool.

What is the Google Keyword Tool?

To put it simple, this easy to use website, will show you which keywords are popular, how much they are worth. If your wondering about the "How much they are worth", i am reffering to them being on Adsense, or Adwords. If you are unsure about Adsense, then you could be losing money, from simple adverting on your website or blog.

I use the Google Keyword Tool almost evevyday, on different subjects, from TV shows, to food. I never stop looking for popular words, and update my blogs everyday, to make sure i have the popular keywords in my blogs. I keep high on the rankings, get hits and get money.

You can also use the Keyword Tool, to find out what-s selling too. Take a look at the Amazon Associates website, to sell products and get commisionon hundreds of thousands of products.

Submitting my Website to Bing.


Image representing Bing as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

Thousands if not millions of Bloggers and Website builders, concentrate on Optimization for Google only, and by doing that, they are making a huge mistake.

It's a well known fact that MSN or Bing, as it's now known, is one of the fastest search engines for ranking. Google however, is the worlds largest and most well known Search Engines, and the traffic which comes from Google, will be your best, it is for me.

Submitting your blog or website to Bing, is super easy. First of all, see if your already ranking, by searching for your web page, like this-

You will see that i am already ranking, but you may not may not be, so go here to submit your site to Bing.

Adsense Keyword Tool

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New Google Keyword ToolImage by rustybrick via Flickr

The most common search this month for Adsense is the term Adsense Keyword Tool.

Believe me, i have been trying to find a way of kickin ass with Adsense, but it's not that easy. Sure, their are ways, but it will cost you $97, and i for one, don't enjoy lining other peoples pockets. Maybe this is a stubborn statement to say, but that's just me, i enjoy the challenge, and if i beat them, the feeling is so much better.

Are their any free Adsense Keyword Tools?

The most popular, and it's free, is Google own's Adwords Tool. This is extremely liked by Adsense Guru's. Try it for yourself, Adwords Tool.
The Adwords Tool is extremely easy to use. Simply input a keyword, and the Adwords Tool, will display relevant information, regarding your keyword. Advertiser competition, local search and global search are included in the results. This does not however, tell you how much Adsense Keywords will be worth per click. For this, we need something else.

Keyword Country.

Keyword Country, is a powerful Adsense Keyword Tool, which will help you earn as much money per click, as it shows you, which keywords are the highest earners. For example, Keyword Country, will show you, "Find proven High paying keywords that can drastically increase your Adsense income. Snatch high paying ads from Google and make sure everyclick on your ads is high paying. Predict your adsense earnings before building even a single webpage".

Keyword Country is free for 7 days, no credit card required. Keyword Country Free 7 Day Trial, Click Here

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Google Feedburner and Twitter.

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Image representing FeedBurner as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase

If your an avid user of Feedburner, you may not know that Feedburner, can now be integrated with Twitter.
The Feedburner Twitter trend is extremely popular, and extremely powerful and easy, for giving your Blog more exposure. Feedburner, in case you didn't know is, a way of turning your Blog into an RSS Feed. That RSS Feed can then be submitted to many places online, and in turn, people subscribe to your RSS (news) Feed.
With the Feedburner Twitter integration, it's possible for Feedburner to send automatic posts to your Twitter account, without you lifting a finger. Let's take a look at some Feedburner Twitter integration steps.

Once your logged in, you need to click on the "Publicize" tab. You will then need to click on the "Socialize - Post to the social web" link, down the left hand side.

Once your their
, you simply have to add your Twitter account, by clicking on the "Add a Twitter Account" button. Feedburner, will then send you to the Twitter account page, which will look like this-

Simply input your Twitter account details and click the "Allow", and your Feedburner Twitter integration, is complete. Now every time you post on your Blog, Feedburner will send a Tweet to your Twitter followers, saving you time, and increasing your web presence.
Make sure you Click the "Save" button, at the bottom of the Feedburner page, it will look like this-

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Google Insights For Search For Bloggers.

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A cook sautees onions and peppers.Image via Wikipedia

If you have your own Blog, which does concentrate on one particular subject, then you may want to look at Google Insights For Search.
Let's say for example, you have a Blog about Recipes and Cooking tips, wouldn't you like a few more hundred visitors a day, and visitors, could mean money for you, if you monetize your Blogs.

It's important to start with your main phrase first, just typing in "Recipes", this will help you see the Rising Searches for every type of Recipe. Today for instance(01-27), the highest rising search for the past week, has been "Australia Day Recipes" and "Super Bowl Recipes", a market, that may be possible to get into. The #6 Rising Search is Green Bean Recipes, a smaller niche, popular, and it has very little exact match terms on Google.

This is just another way, of narrowing down niches with Google Insights For Search.

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Apple Announcement Trend


CUPERTINO, CA - OCTOBER 14:  (FILE PHOTO) Appl...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Today on Google Trends, Apple is hot news.
Apple will be announcing the Ipad, their hot new product, that has been in the news for a while now.
The Apple Ipad, is exactly as it sounds, a portable pad, which lets you, surf the net, watch movies, and do everything a regular PC does. The Apple Announcement Live is also a hot subject, so this made me think, is Apple, a market we can get into? Let's take a look.

A quick search on Google Insights For Search, last 7 days, worldwide reveals the obvious-

Apple Announcement - 190% Rising Search
Apple Itablet - 120% Rising Search
Apple Event - 100% Rising Search.

Basically, all of the top 10 Rising Searches are too over done, and we won't be able to get in on the action. However, if we narrow down, some other phrases, such as, "Apple Ipad Apps", we have a massive chance of getting to #1, because the market hasnt been touched yet, but in a few months, it will explode. It's sometimes necassary, to think forward, and we might just succeed.

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Ezine Articles and Google Trends.

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Ezine Articles and Google Trends go together like Ham and Cheese, or do they?
The main problem with Google Trends? It's over within a few hours, and Ezine, can take up to 24 hours to get listed, so what's the solution? Their are a few plans we can put into place, such as seasonality. Let's look at a few examples of seasonality.

In January, one of the biggest highlights of the Sporting Calender, is the Super Bowl.
It's quite easy to anticipate what Super Bowl fans will be searching for, in the weeks leading up to the game.
For instance, if we take a look at Google Insights for Search (01-26), and type in Super Bowl for the last 30 days-

The rising search terms are what we would expect, recipe ideas, parties etc.

Their are many ways of capitalizing on the Super Bowl, by narrowing down the Rising Searches above. If we concentrate on the Super Bowl Recipe Rising Search, we can try the following- Super Bowl Drinks, Super Bowl Drinks Recipes, Super Bowl Party Ideas, so many to choose from, but many of them can be profitable.
By using Google Blogger, Squidoo and Ezine Articles we can get some high ranking, and profitable Adsense Ads and Amazon products.

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