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Google Feedburner and Twitter.

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If your an avid user of Feedburner, you may not know that Feedburner, can now be integrated with Twitter.
The Feedburner Twitter trend is extremely popular, and extremely powerful and easy, for giving your Blog more exposure. Feedburner, in case you didn't know is, a way of turning your Blog into an RSS Feed. That RSS Feed can then be submitted to many places online, and in turn, people subscribe to your RSS (news) Feed.
With the Feedburner Twitter integration, it's possible for Feedburner to send automatic posts to your Twitter account, without you lifting a finger. Let's take a look at some Feedburner Twitter integration steps.

Once your logged in, you need to click on the "Publicize" tab. You will then need to click on the "Socialize - Post to the social web" link, down the left hand side.

Once your their
, you simply have to add your Twitter account, by clicking on the "Add a Twitter Account" button. Feedburner, will then send you to the Twitter account page, which will look like this-

Simply input your Twitter account details and click the "Allow", and your Feedburner Twitter integration, is complete. Now every time you post on your Blog, Feedburner will send a Tweet to your Twitter followers, saving you time, and increasing your web presence.
Make sure you Click the "Save" button, at the bottom of the Feedburner page, it will look like this-

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